World Scann Family

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World Scann Family

In 2005 World Scann Family was established by CEO and Executive Producer, Kirk Crawford as a personal record label for Scepta. The World Scann Family meaning: “scanning the negative and positive of my life and that of the world to uplift. I am family oriented so I care about family values.” The genesis of World Scann Family comes from Kirk Crawford’s sense of career and responsibility, Scepta’s delivery of meaningful uplifting lyrics and taking control of how and when music can be released to the masses. As an independent small label, it has released an Album, EP and numerous singles for Scepta. It’s catalogue of music is growing and has extended to include a few artists.

So far to date under the label name, artists who voiced are Judah Tafari Eskenda, Bazil Gayle, Little Twitch, YaaA Universe (formerly Princess Menen) and Mykal Rose. The first project on the label was an album in 2011, titled, APPEALING THOUGHTS. Then the list goes as follows: Tell Yuh Bout Yaad (5 track EP) 2020, Rudeboys (single) 2021, Nah Sell Out (single) 2022, Personal Gain (single) 2022, We Must Remember (single) 2022, Proper Medz (single) 2022, Mind Control (single) 2022, Jah Rise (single) 2023, This World (single) 2023 This World Remix (single) 2023 and Disinformation (single) 2023.

World Scann Family is not a label looking for various artists to record, yet it is open. As an independent label, most artists who have been invited to voice have fulfilled certain criteria based off a shared vibe. It’s handled case by case. The main function is to release good, uplifting music that teaches awareness. Since 2020 WSF has been consistently putting out a few tracks per year. It’s about production, visuals and the business of music. Over time, WSF will continue to grow to leave a solid footprint in music.

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